Sergio Mannino Studio - Design Agency

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What does it mean to design a home?

At Home with Ourselves: A Journey Into Designing Personal Spaces

I have never really felt like I was 'from' anywhere; home to me […] is a shared electronic dream of cartoon memories, half-hour sitcoms, and national tragedies.
Douglas Coupland, Life After God

Why do certain spaces feel like home? What is it that transforms a simple room into a sanctuary, a comforting refuge, a place where you truly belong? Is it the architectural blueprint, the color of the walls, the arrangement of furniture, or the view from the window? Or is it something more, something deeper, something that transcends the physical attributes of the space?

Living Room Design

How does the interior design of a space influences our lives?

A home is not just a mere physical structure; it's a feeling, a state of mind. It's where we allow ourselves to be who we truly are without any pretense or facade. This is the space that nurtures our dreams, shelters our vulnerabilities, and serves as a repository of our most cherished memories. Yet, a home, like any space, isn't static or unchanging. It evolves with us, adapting to our ever-changing needs and desires. It breathes in sync with our rhythms, accommodating our growth and transformation.

A home that remains unchanged can start to feel like a museum, a time capsule of the past that seems out of place in the present. It's like living in a city full of history and tradition but lacking the youthful energy and dynamism of change. And so, every once in a while, we need to stir things up, inject a dose of novelty, to keep the space alive and in sync with us.

But the story of "home" is not just confined to our physical surroundings. It's also intricately woven with our shared cultural experiences, the narratives we consume, the collective memories we create, and the dreams we dare to pursue. In today's digital era, our sense of home is increasingly influenced by the media we consume, the online communities we engage with, and the virtual spaces we explore and inhabit.

Bedroom Design

Imagine your favorite TV show, the one you waited for every week, that made you laugh, cry, ponder, and dream. Those stories, characters, and fictional worlds have left an indelible mark on your identity and personal narrative, especially those from childhood. In a way, they've become a part of your "home" or even a home themselves.

So, what does all this tell us? It speaks of the powerful role spaces play in our lives, both in shaping and reflecting our identities. Spaces, physical or digital, tangible or intangible, are not merely passive backdrops to our lives. They are active participants, vibrant characters in the unfolding story of our lives.

As we journey through life, we continually curate and design our homes, molding them to mirror our dreams, values, and identities. And in return, these homes mold us, influencing our perceptions, shaping our identities, and coloring our experiences.

When you step into a room, you're not just entering a physical space; you're stepping into a story. It's a story constantly being written, rewritten, and unraveled. It's a story that begins and ends with you. Every furniture, window, book, wall, lamp, poster, wallpaper, rug, plate, vase, plant, and more has a story intertwined with your own. To design a home is to design our lives.

And remember, whether it's a room, a house, a city, or a virtual space, it's not just about the walls, the roof, or the furniture. It's about the dreams we build, the memories we cherish, and the stories we tell. It's about the symphony of spaces and the melody of life that resonates within them; the magic of places, the magic that breathes life into our stories, and the magic that makes us who we are.

Bathroom Design

Bathroom Design

Sergio Mannino Studio
We are a New York-based Design Agency, envisioning inspiring spaces and exploring the boundaries of what we can design today. Our unique blend of strategy insight, design aesthetic, and understanding of consumer psychology distinguishes us from other studios. Reach out to us if you are an adventurous, fearless soul looking to explore with us.